Cozumel Ferry
If you find it less expensive to fly into Cancun, we would love to help you make arrangements to transfer directly to Playa del Carmen where the ferry ride is only 30 minutes to Cozumel. The round trip cost for ground and ferry transportation is about $50 per person. $12 for the ADO bus and $12 for the Ferry each way. There are two ferry companies and each operates every other hour. DO NOT Buy the Ferry round trip ticket. There are no savings and then you limit your options and times of return. You should allow 3 hours time each way. You need to save more than $200 per person on airline ticket to make this approach worth the adventure. Otherwise we recommend you fly directly to Cozumel.
Cozumel Ferry Schedule
There are two ferry companies and each operates every other hour from 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM. Neither companies run at 3:00 PM Siesta time. Their ticket offices are right next to each other, and each has a sign of their next departure time. They alternate their schedules every other day. Basically one or the other will run every hour on the hour except for 3:00 PM. This is why you should NOT buy the round trip ticket, because you will either lose it or the company you bought it from does not run on the hour you want to go back. You can buy your ferry ticket up to 5 minutes before departure and only from the company that is running their ferry next, and then run. Seriously give yourself 10 minutes.
Arriving via Ferry
If you are arriving via ferry, and do not require a greeter, the property manager will meet you at the entrance to Villa Coralina. See directions tab. If you are arriving via Ferry, please contact us for additional information about how to rent a car near the ferry dock or get a taxi to Villa Coralina.
Meeting the Property Manager
Caribbean Beach Properties will meet you at your arrival port or at the villa entrance 1 to 1 ½ hours after your arrival, and a quick orientation. All questions regarding inside the villa should be referred to property manger.